Please note: This auction site's yard is open weekdays for equipment drop-off, inspection and pick-up. Available services vary from site to site - please contact this location directly to find out which services are offered.
You can sell equipment from this location at any Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers live online auction. You can also store equipment at this location to sell via IronPlanet weekly online auctions or to sell 24/7 on Marketplace-E. Before delivering equipment to this yard, please contact your local sales rep or call now to get connected: 1.(559) 752-3343
Ritchie Bros.의 다양하고 유연한 솔루션과 해외 구매자 수요를 주도하는 능력을 활용하여 적절한 시기와 장소에서 원하는 방법으로 필요한 만큼의 수익을 얻을 수 있습니다.
문의하기Dalton Miller
Regional Operations Manager