Our all-inclusive site auctions save you time and hassle – so you can focus on running your business.
Every year, tens of thousands of sellers count on Ritchie Bros.' unreserved site and regional auctions to help them sell heavy equipment, trucks and other assets quickly, efficiently and for the best returns possible.
All our permanent auction sites are located close to major highways, ports, and airports, for easy access and equipment transportation, as well as hotels and other services
Buyers can test, inspect and compare equipment from many different sellers in one convenient location
Secure yards for equipment storage and buyer inspections
Full-service, state-of-the-art refurbishing facilities
Comfortable, modern auction facilities with catering, complimentary WiFi and other convenient services
Appraisals, inspections, refurbishment, shipping, and more will help you sell with better results.
Appraisals, inspections, refurbishment, shipping, and more will help you sell with better results.
Get financing, shipping, refurbishment, inspections, and more when buying from our multiple, convenient channels. Learn more
Ritchie Bros. worked so hard and did such a great job. We never would've been able to do this on our own. We didn't have that knowledge or expertise. Thank you, Ritchie Bros.
- Diane Cook, New England